Bennett's Bicycles Shop Profile

Bennett’s Bicycles Shop Profile, in BRAIN, part of a Staten Island Cycling Surgence

Bennett’s Bicycles Shop Profile

When I first started researching rides for WTBNYC, I thought Staten Island would be great riding territory.  I was quickly brought down to earth.  I called up both bike shops on the island, Bennett’s and The Bike Shop of Staten Island, and one of the people answering the phone told me it wasn’t a good place to ride.  Maybe it was the people at the latter, as they seem to have a BMX mindset.

Bennett’s, which has been around for over a century, is doing great these days and was just profiled in Bicycle Retailer and Industry News.

Bennett’s is situated about halfway between SI01 and SI04.

The Bike Shop of SI is just south of SI06.

It nudged me to see if there had been any growth in cycling on the Island of Staten.  Sure seems like it has.

It now has four shops, including Mike’s Bike Shop in Tottenville and NYC Bike Shop in the Rosebank neighborhood.  The NYC Shop is on SI02.   Mike’s is between SI10 and SI09.

You can and should get your own free NYC bicycle map.  THe four shops mentioned here should have it, but you can also get it by reaching out to the NYC Department of Transportation.  You can do that here.

Read the Bennett’s Bicycles Shop Profile here.

JP Partland

Writer and rider.
Or rider and writer.
Author of Where To Bike NYC.
As well as: Tour Fever, The World of BMX, and Mountain Bike Madness.
Also the leader of Just Riding Along, http://www.jralong.com

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