Map and Globe Selection


Welcome to the shop. 

This is the Where To Bike general shopping page.  The most haphazard-seeming home of the rides.

I know it doesn’t look like much. It is merely a list of routes, after all. But if you search or sort, it might be easier to find things. Or, you can utilize that pull-down menu above to choose a category of rides to narrow things down. Or, if the screen allows, you’ll see a category pull-down menu on your right for more attributes.

If you want to know how to use the downloads you find here, I’ve got a page detailing that.

In the meantime, and in lieu of anything more specific, happy hunting.  Hope you have a shopping experience that enriches your life, both on the bike and off. 



The evil minder known as Yoast tells me that I should have a minimum of 300 words of text on a page. I know that you know better. That probably, on this page, the 131 words above the rides is plenty for you. But the terrible thing is, that without the minimum of 300 words, my Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking gets further dinged, and this page does not get into a position in which you’ll see it, unless you’re really committed to finding it. And, as you probably were not all that committed to finding this page until you found it, I want to make it easier for you to find. So I need to improve my SEO score, so my page floats to the top, so I can, just by the virtue of you clicking onto this page and around it, improve you life in ways you can’t even imagine. So, while you might not understand why, you should be thanking me right now. You’re welcome. (Where to Bike Shopping Page–this is also for SEO).

Wahoo Elemnt Bolt Map Ride
Wahoo Elemnt Bolt’s mapping action out on a ride.