Bear Mountain Tower

The Route to Bear Mountain

Riding to Bear Mountain is a bucket-list ride for city cyclists.  It might take all day, or just be another training ride, but no matter where you fall in the bike rider spectrum, it is something to be experienced.  Both because it’s a great ride, and because, if you’re starting and finishing at the New York side of the George Washington Bridge, the distance is an imperial century.  100 miles.

author JP Partland
Atop Bear Mountain in February.

Lately, I’ve been climbing to the summit of Bear twice a year. Once in winter, once in summer.  The climb is the same, but the experience is different, and I wish I could go more often.  The winter can be treacherous, especially as the road is often closed and not always passable.  The summer feels much easier, though finding water atop Bear, and anywhere nearby, can be a challenge.

“Perkins Memorial Drive – New York” by Dougtone is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


If you’re a newer rider feeling your way, it will take some training and preparation.  Take a look at my wormhole routes for rides that will help you build endurance and climbing and mental stamina.

If you’re an experienced rider, just pack your pockets and get out there.

Either way, you should ride it.  A day on two wheels is a treat, and the lower Hudson valley offers plenty to see and experience.  You can do the boring thing and ride 9W just about all the way back, but I don’t recommend the one-road solution.

I think riding in general, and riding to Bear Mountain in particular, should be more interesting than one road.  To that end, I’ve just posted one of my Bear Mountain routes.

It’s included in a bundle with all of the current Wormhole Rides.


JP Partland

Writer and rider.
Or rider and writer.
Author of Where To Bike NYC.
As well as: Tour Fever, The World of BMX, and Mountain Bike Madness.
Also the leader of Just Riding Along,

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