Best Bronx Bike Ride Bundle


A single package with ALL of The Bronx Rides in one download.

Bx01-The Wave Hill Ride, Bx02-The Van Cortlandt Park Loop, Bx03-The Woodlawn Loop, Bx04-The Bronx Zoo Loop, Bx05-The Pelham Parkway Loop, Bx08-The Yankee Stadium Loop, Bx09-The Maritime College Loop,Bx10-The Soundview Loop.


One package.  Reduced cost.  More options.

Simpler.  Cheaper.  More flexible.

Rather than going through each ride and weighing the pros and cons of each, just get all The Best Bronx Bike Route Bundle is all the WTBNYC Bronx rides in one fell swoop.  It could be seen as a little ambitious.  But it’s a positive, pro-bike riding hedge on your future.   You want to ride more.  You NEED to ride more.

There are plenty of places to ride in The Bronx.  You just need a little help to get started.  See this as that little help.  Download the rides.  Ride the routes.  Keep your head up.   You’ll see there are plenty of more places to ride, detours to take, adventures to be had.  Any place is more interesting, more varied, more exciting, the better you know it.  You can certainly travel around the world, but the world just out your door, in your borough, in your city, can be just as fascinating, if not more so.  You just need a guide.  This is that guide.

This package includes ALL of The Bronx Rides. (that’s why it’s the Best Bronx Bike Route bundle)

One click to download all the rides.  Print out the PDFs or put them on your phone.  Put the GPX files on your phone or a GPS-enabled bike computer.  Pump up your tiresGet on your bike.  Go!

If you need a tutorial, here’s where you find that info.

They Are (the Best Bronx Bike Route Bundle):

Bx01-The Wave Hill Ride

Bx02-The Van Cortlandt Park Loop

Bx03-The Woodlawn Loop

Bx04-The Bronx Zoo Loop

Bx05-The Pelham Parkway Loop

Bx08-The Yankee Stadium Loop

Bx09-The Maritime College Loop

Bx10-The Soundview Loop

(you’ll notice there’s no Bx06, nor Bx07.  I need to combine those rides and make it a more worthwhile ride in and of itself.  It will be good.  You’ll want to ride more)

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JP Partland

Writer and rider.
Or rider and writer.
Author of Where To Bike NYC.
As well as: Tour Fever, The World of BMX, and Mountain Bike Madness.
Also the leader of Just Riding Along,

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