NJ01 WTBNYC The Nyack Ride


County(ies): Bergen (NJ), Rockland (NY), Distance: 42.6 miles, Elevation: 1815′, Terrain: Very hilly, Ride Rating: @@@@



Every New York City cyclist should know this ride.

It’s a solid ride no matter where you live in the five boroughs.  It’s only 45 miles if you live in Washington Heights, but 90 if you’re in the Rockaways.  Still, 45 miles is a decent effort, no matter who you are.  For newer cyclists, just getting to Nyack, stopping at a cafe, like the Runcible Spoon, or any other eatery on Broadway or Main Street (Route 59), of which there are many, and then trudging home, is plenty.  For experienced bike racers, Nyack can be the destination for a leg-stretching ride, the halfway point in a hill-climbing fiesta, or where hostilities begin on a spirited group ride.

If you’re new to riding, it’s a goal kind of ride.  Build slowly.  There are shorter rides in Jersey, like starting with the River Road ride, one week, then building to riding to Piermont  the next, then Nyack the week after that.

If your new to town, it’s a great way to see what the area has to offer.  Nyack opens up all sorts of riding possibilities, and great vistas, too.

For all, it’s a great ride, one you can, and should, memorize and re-ride without ever getting bored.


Minutiae (The Nyack Bike Ride)

County(ies): Bergen (NJ), Rockland (NY)

Distance: 42.6 miles

Elevation: 1815′

Start/Finish: Jersey Side of the GWB.

Terrain: Very hilly with a variety of road surfaces. As with any ride in NJ, expect the road surfaces to range from pristine to in need of replacement. Most are decent, with some cracks and patches. Road traffic can be non-existent, it can be prevalent

Ride Rating: @@@@

Notes: This is the essential over-the-bridge ride every city cyclist should know

Print out the PDFs or put them on your phone.  Put the GPX files on your phone or a GPS-enabled bike computer.  Pump up your tiresGet on your bike.  Go!

If you need a tutorial, here’s where you find that info: Download Rides.

LInks to: Westchester rides (marked W)

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JP Partland

Writer and rider.
Or rider and writer.
Author of Where To Bike NYC.
As well as: Tour Fever, The World of BMX, and Mountain Bike Madness.
Also the leader of Just Riding Along, http://www.jralong.com

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