A Wormhole ride is something a friend came up with to describe the rides I take people on in Jersey. You know the George Washington Bridge. You know 9W. Yawn. Been there. Done that. Too often.
These rides, in contrast, disappear from that known world for hours, then you suddenly pop up someplace you know. The wormhole rides are tears in the space-time continuum and are rightly fascinating. It helps that roads are narrow and twisty, and often it’s hard to know which direction you’re heading. Originally friends joked that I was taking them to Albany, or Montreal. We never rode to either from NYC. But we’ve done rides that have gone north of the Bear Mountain Bridge.
A bit of road wisdom that you should have regardless of whether or not you download. In Bergen County, aka the part of New Jersey that’s fresh across the GWB, most of the connecting roads have signs at major intersections pointing the directions to nearby towns. In practice, so long as you know that the George Washington Bridge is in Fort Lee, and you know the towns next to Fort Lee, and then the towns that abut them, you can find your way back. Also, for both sides of the Hudson north of NYC, the major hills are usually ridges that run north-south. Therefore, if you’re in a valley, you’re probably on a north-south road. If you’re going up or down a steep hill, you’re probably going (roughly) east or west.
NJ11 JRA Saddle River Wormhole$4.50
NJ12 JRA Franklin Lakes Wormhole$4.50
NJ13 JRA Scenic Route to Orchard (and wormhole back)$4.50
NJ15 JRA Perimeter Ride$4.50
NJ16 JRA Mastering The Bear (Mountain Ride)$4.50
NJ17 JRA Getting to and From Newark’s Branch Brook Park (for nyc cyclists)$0.00
NJ19 Park Interludes$4.50
R02 Flatter Piermont Route$4.50
R03 Hillier Piermont Route$4.50