GWB is the gateway to great riding

GWB Rides

For city cyclists who like to ride long, the George Washington Bridge is the gateway to great riding. These rides start at the New Jersey side of the GWB. One of the great things is how long you can go. For those who don’t know, there’s a bike path across it that is free and safe. For now, it starts at 178th street and Haven Avenue in Manhattan. There will be a time when this path is closed and the north-side path is open. But that still seems to be a while away.

If you haven’t ridden the GWB yet to NJ, you should.  You currently access the path entrance at Haven Avenue and West 178th Street in Manhattan. Ride down the sidewalk and make a left on the ramp. 

These rides are as short as 15 miles and as long as 100.

I’ve got a big bundle of rides, many of which include the GWB. And I also have single ride downloads.

Here are the GWB singles: