All the Wormholes in one place.
Simpler. Cheaper. More options. Training. Adventure rides. NYC Beyond.
If you’ve landed on this page, you probably know the usual haunts of New York City bike riding. River Road, yawn. Piermont you ticked off some time ago. Even Nyack is a known quantity. You need to get beyond the usual. Ride longer, see new sights, keep your riding and training fresh. Training adventure rides NYC is the complete wormhole package. Ten rides plus a map of how to get to the Jones Point Path bypass the next time you’re headed to Bear Mountain or points beyond.
A Wormhole ride is something a friend came up with to describe the rides I take people on in Jersey. You know the George Washington Bridge. You know 9W, but these rides disappear from that known world for hours, then you suddenly pop up someplace you know. It helps that roads are narrow and twisty, and often it s hard to know which direction you’re heading. Originally friends joked that I was taking them to Albany, or Montreal.

GWB, Westchester, Rockland
The ten rides here include five rides from the GWB and five rides in Westchester. I’m assuming you’ve already been to Nyack, know how to find the Nyack-side entrance to the Mario Cuomo Tappan Zee Bridge.
The rides from the GWB are NJ11, NJ12, NJ13, NJ15, and NJ16. NJ11 is the Saddle River Wormhole, it’s a long-standing go-to ride. NJ12 is the Franklin Lakes Wormhole, another regular ride in the wilds of New Jersey. NJ13 takes you a different way to and from the Orchards of Concklin. NJ15 takes you on a ride of the Bergen/Passaic/Rockland perimeter from the GWB. NJ16 takes you to Bear Mountain.

The Westchester rides are W01, W02, W03, W04, W05. W01 takes you through the heart of Westchester before turning west and heading back by the Hudson. W02 starts in a similar fashion, then turns right and goes east before heading south. W03 starts up in Tarrytown and does a loop around the local hills on quiet roads. W04 starts in Tarrytown and brings you back to NYC–perfect for those who ride up to Nyack and then cross the TZB.

Also included is R01, a GPX file of the Jones Point Path which bypasses a nasty stretch of 9W north of Tompkins Cove.
Rather than going through each ride and weighing the pros and cons of each, just get all the wormhole training adventure rides NYC in one fell swoop. The Wormhole Bundle. It expands your palate, improves your fitness, gives you a better lay of the land, and keeps boredom from creeping in to the joys of riding.
This package includes nine wormhole rides.
One click to download all the rides. Print out the PDFs or put them on your phone. Put the GPX files on your phone or a GPS-enabled bike computer. Pump up your tires. Get on your bike. Go!
If you need a tutorial, here’s where you find that info.
Here are the Training Adventure Rides NYC so you can see them individually: