Showing 9 Result(s)
Queens Vanderbilt Parkway Ride

The Best Queens Bike Rides Are Now Bundled

One package.  Reduced cost.  More options. Simpler.  Cheaper.  More flexible. Rather than going through each ride and weighing the pros and cons of each, just get all The Queens Bike Routes bundled together.  It’s all the WTBNYC Queens Bike Rides in one fell swoop.  The Best Queens Bike Route Bundle.  It could be seen as …

Bike Rides in Westchester

Rides for those who like to go long, Westchester Edition

In a previous post, I detailed long rides that start and finish at the George Washington Bridge.  Here, I’ll detail the longer rides I have that start in NYC and go through Westchester. If you like riding long, now is a good time to explore new roads, new routes, and find new favorites. These are …

Riding South on River Road, Fort Lee, NJ

Northern NJ Rides Are Up to be downloaded

The Garden State is The Riding State New Jersey comes in for lots of derision from New Yorkers. But for city cyclists, it’s the sixth borough, thanks to much more hospitable riding environments than those in southern Westchester. New Jersey bike rides are a thing. Ambitious riders see the George Washington Bridge as the gateway …

Bike Riding River Road Nyack

The Two Essential Over-The-Bridge Rides Every City Cyclist Should Know

Bike Riding to River Road & Nyack Riding in New  York City is great.  But getting over the George Washington Bridge to see what life looks like over on the west bank of the Hudson River is not only a rite of passage, but an adventure that helps complete the education of every city cyclist.  …

Just Riding Along (JRA) Badge

Two new rides just added. New Variations on Old Tunes.

You’ve been to Piermont perhaps?  But probably not this way. You might have gone to The Orchard, but probably not this way, and almost certainly not this way back. As fall arrives, try out some new roads.  

Just Riding Along (JRA) Badge

Just put up two of my favorite Jersey Wormholes

I’ve been plying the roads in Northern New Jersey for years.  I think it was a friend who started calling rides that totally avoided 9W and the regular haunts of NYC cyclists “wormholes.”  I immediately liked it.  For me, there are even sections of the rides that feel like wormholes within the ride. So, forthwith, …

Bronx River Parkway Map 1922

Ride to and on The Bronx River Parkway

Did you know you can ride your bicycle on the Bronx River Parkway? It’s been a tradition for 46 years. On most Sundays between the first Sunday in May to the last Sunday in September, a stretch of highway is closed from Tuckahoe to White Plains from 10am to 2pm.  you can ride both north …